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Nscale has announced plans for a £2bn data centre in Loughton

Work to construct the UK’s largest artificial intelligence (AI) data centre could create up to 750 jobs in a town, it has been claimed.

Nscale pledged £2bn to build and open the pioneering facility in Loughton, Essex, by 2026.

It came after the government announced plans to become a world leader in AI, using it to boost growth and deliver services more efficiently.

Councillor Stephen Murray hailed the announcement as an “important opportunity” for the town.

The data centre was due to be built in Langston Road and would become the first facility of its kind in Essex.

Murray, an Independent on Epping Forest District Council, said: “Keeping Loughton at the forefront of AI plans is important for all our futures.”

However, he urged “very careful and detailed consideration” by authorities in the region.What is AI and how does it work?Is AI the answer for better government services?PM plans to ‘unleash AI’ across UK to boost growth

Nscale said it wanted to “stimulate the UK economy” by attracting commercial investment and kick-starting AI use.

A total of 500 jobs would be made during construction, with a further 250 employees needed to operate the centre.

‘Huge impact’

The firm’s chief operating officer, Alex Sharp, said the four-acre site would benefit services such as healthcare and defence.

“We are very delighted to be included in that. It’s great news for the area,” he continued.

“We’ll be developing a 50MW data centre, which creates a lot of construction jobs. People have to run the facility as well.”

During its announcement this week, the government revealed £14bn had been pledged by technology companies across the UK.

Dr Haider Raza, a senior AI lecturer at the Univeristy of Essex, said: “It’s going to make a huge impact in public sectors.


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